Click Yes to confirm the email address to be removed from the Blocked Senders list. 单击Yes以确认将要从BlockedSenders列表中移除邮件地址。
You can determine which files are blocked for web sites on your servers by modifying the list of blocked file extensions in central administration. 通过在管理中心修改阻止的文件扩展名列表,可以决定在服务器上的网站阻止哪些文件。
The sender of the selected message has been added to your Blocked Senders List. 所选邮件的发件人已添加到阻止发件人列表中。
If the same address appears in both the blocked senders list and the Safe Senders list, the Safe Senders list takes precedence, and the address will not be considered unsafe. 如果该垃圾邮件地址同时存在于“阻止发件人列表”和“安全发件人列表”中,则“安全发件人列表”优先,因此该地址不会被视为不安全的地址。
To remove the blocked address ( es) from your Block Sender list, go to the E-mail Settings page, and click Block Sender. 若要从阻止发件人列表中删除被阻止的地址,请转到电子邮件设置页,并单击阻止发件人。
One or more of the selected senders could not be added to your blocked senders list. 无法将选定发件人中的一个或多个添加到阻止发件人名单中。
If a domain name is reregistered to a legitimate company after you add the domain to your blocked senders list, you will unintentionally block legitimate messages. 如果在将域名添加到域阻止发件人列表之后,该域名被重新注册到合法公司,则会在无意中阻止合法邮件。
To block unwanted e-mail messages that appear in another language, you can add encodings to the blocked encodings list. 若要阻止以另一种语言显示的不需要的电子邮件,您可以将编码添加到“阻止的编码列表”。
The sender of the selected message has been added to your Blocked Senders List, and the message has been moved to the Junk E-mail folder. 选中邮件的发件人已被添加到阻止发件人列表,邮件已被移动到垃圾邮件文件夹。